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教师资格证面试:高中英语《Music Writing》

http://www.hteacher.net 2023-09-20 16:57 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]


 Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can learn more about vocabulary and knowledge related to music and composers.

Students can fully understand the email about Sandra and his family’s music preferences.

Ability aims:

After class, students will be able to talk about music freely and express their likes and dislikes.

Students can improve their reading and writing ability through today’s class.

Emotional aims:

Students will increase their interest in music and enrich their leisure time.

Students are willing to share their ideas with others and communicate with others.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Some words about music, instrument and composers

Writing strategy of making outlines before writing.

Difficult Points:

How to enable students to talk about music and express their likes and dislikes.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

1.Greet students as usual and invite students to enjoy the film clip of Beauty and the Beast with music.

2. Free talk: ask students some questions about music.

a.What kinds of music do you know? And which do you like? (such as: classic music; countryside music; jazz; pop music; folk music; symphony. )

b.What kinds of music instrument can you play or have you heard about? (such as: drum; guitar; piano; erhu; violin.)

c.What kind of music don’t you like? Why? (jazz—too noisy; folk music—too slow)

Step 2 Pre-writing

1. Let students read the simple—the email and answer the following questions:

a. what kind of music does Sandra like?

(Sandra like all kinds of music, but her favorite is classical music.)

b. what kinds of instrument can Sandra’s mother play?

(She can play the violin and the piano.)

c. what can Sandra’s father do about music?

(He can sing quite well.)

d. what kind music does her little brother like ?

(He likes very loud music.)

2. Finish the questionnaire

Four students are in a group, every member need to make a survey to other group mates according to the questionnaire in the textbook.

Require students to use the complete sentences to answer the questions. Then invite some students to share their work. Teacher will conclude some expressions and write them in the blackboard for students to choose.

Step 3 While-writing

Give students ten minutes to finish their outlines and draft articles about their music preferences and remind them to pay attention to the punctuation and spelling. They can consult the questions from the questionnaires.

Step 4 Post-writing

1.self-editing: Ask students to check their draft individually and do some editing.

2.peer-editing: Ask students to change their paper with partners and check it again and give some suggestions.

3.Sharing and evaluation: invite some students to come to the front of the class and read his paper for the whole class, and teacher will give some comments.

Step 4 Summary and homework

Summary: Let students review what we’ve learned today.

Homework: Write a composition about their favorite musician or music, and next class I will invite some volunteers to show the work.

Black board design:

Module 3 Music


I love\really like…

Because ….is great\wonderful\gentle..

I hate\can’t stand…

….is awful\dreadful\nosy..


Likes and dislikes(music, instrument , composers , performers)








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